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What We believe...


The sixty-six canonical books of the Bible as originally written were inspired by God, hence free from error. They constitute the only infallible guide in faith and practice.​ God created Adam and Eve in His own image. By disobedience, they fell from their sinless state through temptation by Satan.


Spring 2019 plunged humanity into a state of sin and spiritual death and brought upon the entire race the sentence of eternal death. From this condition we can be saved only by the grace of God, through faith, on the basis of the work of Christ, and by the agency of the Holy Spirit.​ The eternally pre-existent Son became incarnate without human father, by being born of the Virgin Mary.


Thus, in the Lord Jesus Christ, divine and human natures were united in one Person, both natures being whole, perfect, and distinct. To effect salvation, he lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner's substitute, shedding his blood for the remission of sins. On the third day, he physically rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where he performs the ministry of intercession. He shall come again, personally and visibly, to complete his saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.


​The Holy Spirit is the Third Part in the Trinity.  When we have turned to God in penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are accountable to God for living a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit. It is our responsibility to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel. ​At the end of the age, the bodies of the dead shall be raised.


The righteous shall enter into full possession of eternal bliss in the presence of God, and the wicked shall be condemned to eternal death. We believe marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment between three, the man, the woman and God Almighty.


All that said, one of the most important things to know about New Jerusalem is that you are free from the Judgment, mistreatment and all the other things that create Church Hurt. Our goal is to create a atmosphere where a person can grow Spiritually and Mentally!

Our History....

New Jerusalem Ministry Church History

New Jerusalem Ministry began 26 years ago under the Pastoral leadership of Pastor and Founder Andrea l. Simpkins. New Jerusalem started out a 3 walled Car Wash. Pastor Simpkins and her Daughter who is the Current Pastor of NJM worked tirelessly alongside other Members prior to the opening of the Ministry to renovate and prepare the Sanctuary for its first Service. Pastor Andrea Simpkins was born and raised in Queens New York she is the late wife of Henry A. Simpkins.


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About us

Pastor Andrea Simpkins was born and raised in Queens New York she is the late wife of Henry A. Simpkins. She leaves to cherish Her Memory and Legacy three children Henry Alan Simpkins Jr. Esq., of Stonington, Connecticut, Pastor Shatasha Simpkins, Augusta, Ga. and Tonya Simpkins of Augusta, Ga. She is the Proud Grandmother to Henry Alan Simpkins III, Andre T. Simpkins, Larenz A. Simpkins, Dante Simpkins, Teresa Simpkins, Ashlee Simpkins-Bent and Joseph A. Gray, She is Great-Grandmother to Storm and Shadeaux Simpkins and a host of other Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, Nephews and other relatives to Cherish her Memory. Under her pastoral leadership many souls have come through New Jerusalem Ministry and were saved. The souls that came through New Jerusalem Ministry went on to do many things to include starting their own Churches and Ministries. The remnant that remained apart of New Jerusalem Ministries Home Church have gone on to continue there work in the Lord. Through the years Pastor Andrea Simpkins saw to it saw to meet the needs of the community and those it touched in Augusta Georgia and abroad. Her Eldest Daughter now serves as Pastor at New Jerusalem Ministry, Pastor Andrea Simpkins went on to her heavenly home in 2016. Since then New Jerusalem Ministry has had its ups and downs but has continued to strive to become the ministry that Pastor Andrea Simpkins set out for it to be. Her vision included love, loyalty, patience and kindness. She leaves a legacy of love, teaching those who followed to not just be followers of Christ, but doers of his word. New Jerusalem will forever be grateful to its First Pastor and Founder Pastor Andrea L. Simpkins.


Bishop Clarence Ware

Pastor Tasha Simpkins


Pastor Tasha Simpkins, born Shatasha Renee’ Simpkins is the daughter of the late Pastor Andrea Simpkins. Pastor Tasha Simpkins has served at New Jerusalem faithfully since it’s humble beginning. She is the Middle Child of Henry and Pastor Andrea L. Simpkins. She was raised a Army Military Brat as her parents traveled the world, where they would eventually settle in Augusta, Ga. Which She is Native to via Frankfurt, Germany where she was Born and spent her early years. At the age of 12 Pastor Simpkins was Baptized in Jesus Name and accepted him as her lord and Savior. She went on to attend Seminary School all while working to complete her Bachelors Degree, she has completed many certificate programs in Christian Education. Through life’s challenges, she has lived and learned and one thing has held true and that is knowing God will never leave or for sake us. Education has always been important in the legacy left before her. Pastor Simpkins began Teaching Gods word at the very young age of 16 to adults. She had taught everything from Sunday School to Bible Study. Her studies led to holding classes and Conferences for Women in 2000 that blossomed into so many opportunities in the church. She became the Overseer of New Jerusalem in Augusta, Ga in 2016. Pastor Simpkins duties were added to in 2021 when the unanimous decision was made and she began Pastoring New Jerusalem Ministry. This was a dream of her Mothers that she didn’t expect to fulfill but when God called she answered. As she and the Members of New Jerusalem strive to reach Members outside the 4 walls she looks forward to assisting those in there respective journeys to Christ. There is no perfect Christian and she looks forward to assisting those in there walks with Christ.

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Elder James Mann

Assistant Pastor

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